
AI and the Evolution of Work: Future Skills and the Impact on the Workforce

When it comes to artificial intelligence, one of the concerns that arises is about the impact this technology will have on people’s work. Research points to various predictions indicating low or high risk of job replacements. One of the most well-known studies was conducted by Carl Frey and Michael Osbourne in 2013, predicting that nearly

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AI in Tourism: Reinventing the Traveler’s Experience

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is revolutionizing various industries, and the tourism sector is no exception. With the ability to process large volumes of data, learn from patterns, and make precise decisions, AI is being used to reinvent the traveler’s experience. Today, we will explore how AI is transforming the tourism sector, providing personalized experiences, optimizing operational

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Artificial Intelligence and Business Strategies

They say the world spins fast, increasingly fast, right? Likewise, business strategies that were thought to be 10, 20 years ahead are no longer viable today, or at least they are very risky. Of course, there are long-term strategies, but the trend in recent years, reinforced by the startup model, by the Lean, agile vision,

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Startup Summit 2023: The Influence of Artificial Intelligence on Humanity and the World of Work

In late August, I attended the Startup Summit 2023, a grandiose event that brought together more than 10,000 enthusiasts from the world of startups. It was an incredible experience, full of learnings and valuable connections. 📘 Lessons from Eric Ries: Undoubtedly, the highlight was the closing lecture by Eric Ries, renowned author of “The Lean

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Artificial Intelligence

Master Digital Marketing with Artificial Intelligence

The Chat GPT (Generative Pre-trained Transformer) is a natural language model developed by OpenAI that has revolutionized the way companies conduct their digital marketing strategies and planning. This model uses a large-scale neural network to predict and generate text automatically, learning from a vast dataset of textual data. Chat GPT can be used for various

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Artificial Intelligence

We need to talk about the quality of AI solutions

Frequently, a controversy related to the result of Google’s query correction suggestion algorithm, the famous “Did you mean it”, regains the spotlight on social networks. The controversy revolves around the fact that the algorithm suggests a correction of the word “coronation” to “corruption” when accompanied by the term “Lula”, and another correction when associated with

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Artificial Intelligence

Collaborative robots and Artificial Intelligence

Automation in industry has changed the way companies produce, and the introduction of collaborative robots and artificial intelligence (AI) into production lines is one of the main reasons for this increase. These technologies are transforming the way companies produce, ensuring more efficiency and precision in the execution of tasks. Collaborative robots are designed to work

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Artificial Intelligence

Reinforcement learning approaches and their applications

Reinforcement Learning is a type of machine learning that focuses on developing algorithms in which agents interact with an environment and learn to make decisions based on trial and error experiences. The goal is to learn to choose actions that maximize rewards. To make the concept clearer, let’s use Pitfall (an Atari classic). The objective

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